Katy Duhigg serves as State Senator for District 10. She was elected to the New Mexico Senate in the 2020 election and currently serves as Chair of the Senate Rules Committee and Vice Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In the NM Legislature, Katy has been a leader on election reform, voting rights protections, and ensuring access to the ballot for NM’s residents. She passed critical legislation to expand public financing for judicial candidates and take big money out of judicial campaigns. She also sponsored legislation to allow non-major-party voters to participate in Primary elections. In addition, she led efforts to end predatory lending, reform temporary guardianships and conservatorships to prevent abuse and neglect, and close loopholes that prevented workers from being paid a fair wage. Her Patients’ Debt Collection Protection Act, to protect lower-income patients, was passed in 2021 and signed by the Governor.
Katy is an attorney practicing in the litigation group of Sutin Thayer & Browne. Prior to joining the Sutin Law Firm, she ran her own law firm, spending over a decade as a consumer-protection attorney fighting for New Mexicans on torts, insurance, and contract disputes. She has become respected across New Mexico for her election law expertise. In August 2018, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller appointed Katy as Albuquerque City Clerk, where she oversaw the City’s 2019 local election. During her tenure, she revamped the City’s Election Code and passed public financing reforms. Katy’s efforts also included reforming the City’s Code of Ethics to take politics out of appointments to the Board of Ethics, set clear guidelines regarding campaign ethics, and increase disclosure requirements for election officials.
Katy was born and raised in Senate District 10. Her father, John, was a local attorney and small business owner for over 60 years. Her mother, Doris, was also an attorney, first at the Department of Labor and later as an Assistant City Attorney in Albuquerque. Katy is the youngest of ten children. Her brother, Charles Duhigg, is a Pulitzer-prize winning author in California, but most of the Duhigg family has stayed in New Mexico, serving as local attorneys, doctors, physician assistants, and nurses. Her son, Jack, is a student in Albuquerque Public Schools.
Katy earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Oregon, and then spent two years working for non-profits on the East Coast before returning to New Mexico to attend the University of New Mexico School of Law. After law school, she served as the Election Protection Coordinator for Common Cause New Mexico, a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to fair elections, where she organized New Mexico’s first state-wide nonpartisan election protection program in 2008. She went on to be a New Mexico House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Analyst, providing nonpartisan legal analysis to committee members before establishing The Duhigg Law Firm.
Katy is the former vice president of Common Cause New Mexico. She was also a member of the Bernalillo County Code of Conduct Review Board and the Bernalillo County Valuation Protest Board. Katy has also served as a governance council member and executive board secretary with the RFK Charter School. Katy was recognized by Common Cause New Mexico in 2018 with a “Special Board Recognition Award” for her work on fair elections at its Best in Government Awards Annual Luncheon.
District 10 currently encompasses portions of southern Sandoval County in the Rio Rancho area, Albuquerque’s Westside in the Paseo del Norte and Coors corridor, and Los Ranchos de Albuquerque from Montano north. Due to redistricting, the boundaries will change in the 2024 election, and it will encompass the North Valley to the county line, areas in the Paseo del Norte/Coors corridor on the Westside, with the southern portion of the district bordering Tingley Dr SW.
New Mexico Senate District 10 encompasses Albuquerque's and Los Ranchos de Albuquerque's North Valley, from the Sandoval County line to just south of Central along Tingley Drive. The District contains a portion of Albuquerque's Westside in the Paseo del Norte/Eagle Ranch/Paradise Blvd NW corridor.
Senate District 10 contains the following precincts in Bernalillo County: 003; 004; 005; 006; 008; 009; 010; 011; 012; 013; 109; 082; 083; 085; 086; 100; 108; 111; 112; 113; 114; 121; 126; 127; 150; 151; 152; 153; 154; 155; 162; 163; 166; 180; 181; 182; 183; 184; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205; 219; 220; 222; 238; 257; 276; 277; 279; 605; 628; 634; 640; 645; 646; 647; 648; 649.
Contact Katy with official state business at:
(505) 986-4270
This phone only answered while Legislature is in session.
State Capitol: Room 320
325 Don Gaspar
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Copyright © 2025 Committee To Elect Katy Duhigg - All Rights Reserved. Paid for by The Committee To Elect Katy Duhigg, Laura Peralta, Treasurer.